We, at New College Doncaster, recently had the pleasure of visiting FES Lörrach for just under a week. We were just a small group of three students and a teacher. The three students are all studying German and are in their final year of A-Level studies. Each student was hosted by a family connected to the school and was incredibly well received.
Students had the opportunity to take part in lessons, meet many German pupils, experience the build up to Christmas in Germany and even visited three different countries, which are usually inaccessible to them.
We all thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the school; lessons were enjoyable and challenging and the staff was welcoming and friendly. Our students learned a lot of German and the visit was very beneficial to them overall.
We are very grateful to the English department for helping to accommodate us and for organising a timetable for our students. We would also like to thank the management of the school for making this visit possible.
We really hope that we can build on this relationship in the future and collaborate in many ways.
What the students said:
Jack: "In my opinion, my time in Lörrach was very enjoyable. I think that visiting Freiburg and visiting the school were the best parts. It was very interesting to see how different the school system in Germany is compared to the English school system.”
Ryan: “For me Germany was an amazing experience and I feel as though I have learnt a lot. It was very interesting to find out how the school system is so different to the UK. It was shocking how long the school day was!”
Joy: “Our trip to Germany was an invaluable experience. In particular, I benefitted from being completely surrounded by native speakers at the school. I got to experience how the language sounds in practice and I had no choice but to practise my speaking skills.”